All posts by Prax


How To Install BitTorrent Sync in Ubuntu 12.04

BitTorrent Sync client for major platforms were up and running from sometime, today they launched an Android App as well. With BitTorrent Sync the capabilities are unlimited, you can run your own private cloud at home and have the contents sync with your mobile, laptop etc. Here are simple steps on how to install BitTorrent Sync on a system running Ubuntu 12.04:


Download the package files (current version as of today btsync_x64-1.1.42.tar.gz, for a 64-bit Ubuntu system) from here

  1. Open a Terminal, Change to the Directory where you downloaded the file
  2. Extract the files by typing  “tar -zxf btsync_x64-1.1.42.tar
  3. It will create an executable by name btsync 
  4. Type ./btsync to start the service
  5. To access the GUI, Open a browser and type http://localhost:8888/gui/
  6. Add a folder and you are ready to go!!